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Indulge in this perfectly whipped body butter, balanced with skin loving oils and moisturising butters, this souffle softens, strenghtens & extremely lightweight, so it's perfect for any weather. Packed with antioxidants, vitamins and more this butter is the go to for most skin types. This product has been blended with a unique fragrance oil blend, which gives a warm but fresh, calming aroma. 

Tropic Breeze - L U X E Every Day Souffle

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  • This product is available in 250ml (8.8 fl oz) & 300ml (10 fl oz)


    NOTE; Keep this product stored in a cool, dry area. During warm weather conditions this product can melt and should be stored in the refigerator to recover its natural state, should this be the circumstance. 

    *As these products are hand crafted colour/ design and fragrance may vary 

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